Authentic German Beef Rouladen – A Culinary Journey through Tradition

German Beef Rouladen, a true embodiment of culinary heritage, is a dish that reflects the rich flavors and traditions of German cuisine. This classic dish features thinly sliced beef, filled with a delectable combination of mustard, onions, and bacon, creating a delightful symphony of tastes. Let’s delve into the essence of authenticity and discover the steps to prepare this iconic German delight.


  • 4 beef slices (thinly cut)
  • Dijon mustard
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 4 slices of bacon
  • 2 onions, finely chopped
  • 4 pickles, sliced
  • Mustard seeds
  • Vegetable oil for browning
  • 500 ml beef broth
  • Red wine (optional)
  • Flour for thickening


  1. Lay out the beef slices and spread a thin layer of Dijon mustard over each one. Season with salt and pepper.
  2. Place a slice of bacon on each beef slice, followed by a generous sprinkle of chopped onions and a few mustard seeds.
  3. Lay a slice of pickle at one end of each beef slice and roll it tightly, securing it with toothpicks.
  4. Heat vegetable oil in a pan and brown the rouladen on all sides until they develop a rich, golden color.
  5. Remove the rouladen from the pan and set them aside.
  6. In the same pan, add more chopped onions and cook until they are translucent.
  7. Deglaze the pan with red wine (if using) and then add beef broth.
  8. Place the rouladen back into the pan, cover, and let them simmer for about 1.5 to 2 hours until the beef is tender.
  9. Remove the rouladen from the pan. If desired, thicken the sauce with a mixture of flour and water.
  10. Serve the rouladen with the rich, flavorful sauce, and pair it with traditional German sides like potato dumplings or mashed potatoes.

Experience the heartiness of Authentic German Beef Rouladen, where each bite tells a story of time-honored flavors and culinary excellence. Enjoy this iconic dish that truly captures the essence of German culinary tradition. Guten Appetit!

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